
Text Options

Settings and options available for customising the Teleprompter text in CloudPrompter

Accessing Text Options

To access the text options in CloudPrompter, open any of your scripts in the My Scripts page, then go to the Settings icon CloudPrompter Settings at the bottom.

Text Appearance

Text Colour

The Text Colour option allows you to select which colour the text in the teleprompter appears. Select the colour circle to adjust the colour of your text in the teleprompter.

This colour will also visible in Broadcasts, but broadcast viewers will also be able to adjust the text colour in their own window separately.

Text Size

The Text Size option allows you to select the size of the text in the teleprompter. Use the adjustment arrows, or + and buttons, beside the number to increase or decrease the text size.


The Font option allows you to select the font or typeface of the text in your teleprompter. Use the dropdown to select the font for the text in the teleprompter.

Background Colour

The Background Colour option allows you to select which colour appears behind the text in the Teleprompter. Select the colour circle to adjust the background colour behind the text in the teleprompter.

This colour will also visible in Broadcasts, but broadcast viewers will also be able to adjust the background colour in their own window separately.

Live Updates

The Live Updates option allows you to select whether changes/edits made to your script will automatically update in real time in the Teleprompter and any active Broadcasts. Use the switch to enable or disable this option.

  • When enabled, anybody making edits and changes to the script will be able to immediately and automatically update the text in the Teleprompter and any active broadcasts.
  • When disabled, changes to the script will only be visible if you refresh or re-open the script in the Teleprompter. Active broadcasts will reflect what's shown in the Teleprompter.

Side Margins

The Side Margins option allows you to narrow the width of the text in the Teleprompter. This is useful to avoid eye movement when reading the script from a winder window or display.

  • Drag the slider downwards (left) towards No Margins to decrease or disable any side margins.
  • Drag the slider upwards (right) towards More Margins to increase the side margins.
Using the Teleprompter