
Create a Broadcast

How to create a new Broadcast in CloudPrompter, to share a realtime view of your teleprompter with anyone in the world.

Create a Broadcast

To create a Broadcast:

  1. Open any of your scripts
  2. Click the Broadcast icon in the control bar
  3. Select Start Broadcast
  4. (Optional) In the window that appears, enable Public Broadcast if you'd like the broadcast to be accessible to anybody with the URL without signing in to an account
  5. Copy the URL shown

You can now paste and share a URL to your broadcast. If you enabled the the Public Broadcast option, anybody with this URL will be able to view your broadcast.

If you did not enable the the Public Broadcast option, users will need to sign in to your CloudPrompter account before they will be able to view your broadcast.

Stop a Broadcast

To stop a Broadcast:

  1. Open the script that you wish to stop broadcasting
  2. Click the red Broadcast icon in the control bar
  3. Select Stop Broadcast

When a broadcast is stopped, everybody will immediately stop viewing your broadcast, and your broadcast URL will no longer be valid.

Intoduction to Broadcasts