
Recording Video

CloudPrompter allows you to record a video while you read your script from the teleprompter at the same time.

Begin Recording Video

To begin recording a video:

  1. Open any of your scripts
  2. Click the Transparency icon in the control bar
  3. Select Webcam (You may have to allow your web browser to access your device camera & microphone)
  4. Your live camera image will appear behind your script in the teleprompter
  5. To start recording, click the Record icon in the control bar
  6. Scroll or operate the teleprompter as needed while recording
  7. To stop recording, click the Stop icon in the control bar
  8. A video file named "teleprompter" will be saved to your device

To find your recorded video, check the Download folder on your device, or check your web browser for where the downloaded file was saved to.


When recording video, your camera video/footage and microphone is not streamed, uploaded or recorded to any server. The entire video recording feature runs completely locally in your web browser only.
