
Share a Broadcast

How to share a broadcast in CloudPrompter.

Share a Broadcast

To share a broadcast:

  1. Open any of your currently broadcasted scripts
  2. Click the Broadcast icon in the control bar
  3. A menu will open above the icon, click Share Broadcast

A popup will be shown that contains a public/private broadcast toggle, a QR code and the current broadcast URL.

Share via QR Code

To share via QR code, scan the QR code in the Share Broadcast pop up with the Viewers' device. camera.

To share via Link:

  1. With the Share Broadcast pop up open, copy the URL shown.

Toggle a Broadcast to Private/Public

To toggle a broadcast to either private or public:

  1. With the Share Broadcast pop up open, toggle the top button labelled Public
  2. To make it public, ensure the button is toggled on (blue colour)
  3. To make it private, ensure the button is toggled off (grey colour)

Private broadcasts requires the Viewer to sign in

A private Broadcast URL will require all Viewers to sign in to your CloudPrompter account before they're able to see the Broadcast.

Using Broadcasts